ANU Extension provides an enhanced learning experience for Year 11 and 12 students in ACT schools and colleges. Study sciences, engineering, computing, mathematics, commerce and Asian studies at ANU while you're still in high school.

ANU Extension - Pathways for Study from Centre for Learning and Teaching on Vimeo.

The ANU Extension program will conclude at the end of 2025 when our current contract with the ACT Government comes to an end.

If you are a student who is already enrolled in ANU Extension, rest assured that your course is running as usual with no changes or disruptions. ANU looks forward to working with the ACT Government to develop new, equity-based programs that offer young people the opportunity to experience university and help meet our shared commitment to equity.

To find out about other outreach programs and activities available to high school students, please visit:

College of Science and Medicine - School enrichment and outreach
Canberra Mathematics Enrichment Program (CMEP)
Mount Stromlo Observatory Education Programs
Canberra Computer Science Enrichment
National Indigenous Summer School
Community Legal Education (CLE)
ANU Community Music Centre
National Youth Science Forum
STEM Challenges
Curious Minds
STEM Boxes

ANU Extension students may receive credit towards a bachelor degree for the studies successfully completed through this program. ANU Extension courses can also contribute to a student's ATAR aggregate. 

Students who successfully undertake studies in ANU Extension and fulfill the academic requirements for their preferred program will gain tier 2 priority admission through the Admission, Scholarships and Accommodation application system and may receive an early conditional offer of entry into an ANU bachelor degree program. Progression within and award of ANU Extension courses is dependent on meeting the revelant BSSS and ANU course requirements. 

ANU Extension is only open to Australian domestic students. You need to be enrolled at an ACT college or school (government or non-government). College co-requisites for courses apply. 

Updated:  4 April 2024/Responsible Officer:  Science web/Page Contact:  Science web