
Illuminated paper lanterns with Japanese writing on them at night

The ANU Extension Japanese language program provides students with an advanced course of study on Japanese language and culture. Classes are offered at two levels, continuing and advanced Japanese and are determined through the selection process. 

Tailored classes and rigorous curricula create an immersive environment that both encourages and requires students to interact actively with and in the target language. The combination of advanced texts with a range of cultural activities promotes the creative use of language across all skill sets (reading, writing, speaking and comprehension). Through such events as in-class cultural activities, a variety of guest lecturers and participation in Kabuki performances students will deepen their understanding of Japan and will be encouraged to consider their language study within the larger context of contemporary Japanese society and culture.

Further information on the Japanese program is available from the School of Culture, History & Language.

Students must be enrolled in BSSS Continuing Japanese in their home college to be eligible for the Continuing Japanese H Course. Students must be enrolled in BSSS Advanced Japanese in their home college to be eligible for Advanced Japanese H Course.

Updated:  23 August 2023/Responsible Officer:  Science web/Page Contact:  Science web