Global Perspectives in Commerce

A person holding a VISA card above a payWave device

Global Perspectives in Commerce brings together the key areas of Accounting, Business/Management, Economics, Finance and Applied Statistics, allowing you to gain a deeper insight of these, apply your learning to problem solve, and a taste of the university context. You will gain a valuable understanding of the world of commerce in preparation for further study.

Two units are studied over 2 years. The first unit will take the approach of examining global issues as a lens to demonstrate the concepts covered and will analyse the strategic decision-making of governments and individuals in response to a particular issue. The second unit looks at the accountability issues of government and corporations in society, in the context of sustainability and social justice.

It is recommended that students be enrolled in a BSSS commerce course in their home college to be eligible for this H Course, such as Accounting, Business, or Economics.

Updated:  23 August 2023/Responsible Officer:  Science web/Page Contact:  Science web